1) Buck Rogers #1
I was sold on Dynamite's new Buck Rogers series because of two names: Flint Dille and Alex Ross - to bad they seem to have had no impact on a confusing and disjointed start to what can be an amazing rebirth of a great series. Carlos Rafael did an honorable job with the illustrations, no comment there, and the pacing and dialog are fun. But the simplicity of what made all the other incarnations of Buck Rogers work is simply not present in issue #1. But, I'm intrigued, and by the end of issue one, I wanted more....
Dark Flaxen says: Dynamite's Buck Rogers series has so much potential, but it might be smart to do a bit of homework about the franchise before youpick up Issue #1. So...Lets support this effort, and have faith that Dynamite will step up and really do it justice moving forward. We don't need to be spoon fed, Dynamite, but we like our Buck like we like our shots, straight up, no mixers.
2) New Mutants #1
Just terrific. Seriously. Terrific. And as those of you who checked out my comments on Runaways #10 last week know, I'm not a fan of X-Men stuff ingeneral. But New Mutants #1 looks to change that. I loved this from page 1. This series from Marvel, now in its second printing, is a blast. A perfect balance of great story, comedy, action and art.
Dark Flaxen says: If you must X-Men, New Mutant #1.
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